Minggu, 04 September 2011

Hantu Rumahsakit Situbondo

Pocong ghost Situbondo Elizabeth Hospital - Other ghost sightings are now coming from Situbondo, precisely Situbondo Elizabeth hospital.

Visible in the video that this ghost is seen pacing back and forth like he was confused, hehe. Of witnesses at the scene said that the ghost is out of the morgue into the park area. Well ya see yourself video:

Hantu Gadis anak di Majalengka

Photo of boy ghost sightings in Majalengka - In this photo looks white-clad figure of the boy suspected ghost sightings caught on camera.

Indeed the phone owners who want to photograph her ​​son was at the top of the fuselage at the Air and Space Museum, Majalengka. But after the photo was printed, it appears there ghost sightings boy under an airplane wing. And this picture ghost sightings in Majalengka

hantu yang satu ini lucu bgd... Hantu Salon Saudi Arabia

Funny Ghost Video in Salon, Saudi Arabia - the fun of looking for ghost funny on youtube, d'Niell find some funny ghost videos that we will soon see.

In this video, it is clear that this video is a joke show jokes that use the services of spooky ghosts to scare their victims and to comfort us all. Yuk ah, we watch videos funny ghost follows:

Hantu Kuntilanak Muncul menjelang maghrib

Here's a collection of photos kuntilanak sighting:
=> This is the appearance of white shadow image that is picked up at the train station. The apparition is known to appear in the Maghrib Adhan Trans TV several years ago.

Berbagai Pose Hantu kuntilanak

Collection of Ghost, Ghost Khas Indonesia - This time I'll post about the photos ghost sightings that terjepret kuntilanak camera and finally we can see together.

Gadis Jibab Sma kesurupan seram

Video Kesurupan Seram middle is seen the figure of a woman possessed. Again, in the video it sounds Pak Ustadz guiding center of the ghost to leave the human body, and requested that the ghost is no longer interfere with human remains in its natural.