Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

Fenomena Penampakan hantu ikan Duyung

Stories about mermaids or mermen daughter first discovered in Assyria. The story tells of goddess Atargatis, the mother of Assyrian queen, Semiramis. Atargatis goddess fell in love with a shepherd, who then killed him. Embarrassed, he plunged into the lake to transform themselves into fish. However, water can not change him completely because he still has power as a Goddess. Finally, only half of his body into fish.

Famous Greek legend tells that the mermaid is Thessalonike daughter, sister of Alexander the Great who turned into mermaids after death. He is a life after death as a mermaid princess in the Aegean sea, and always ask the fate of her sister.

He only asks one thing when there are sailors passing. He always asked:

- Ζει ο βασιλιάς Αλέξανδρος? (Zi o basiliás Alexandros?)
(Is Alexander the Great was still alive).

If he ask you these questions, the correct answer is:

- Ζει και βασιλεύει (Zi to basileúi)
(He's still alive and still ruling).

If no answer as such, then it gradually turned into a Gorgon and harm the sailors who were passing by. The story of the mermaid princess is now universal, global, and not belong to a region or country alone. Many people from different countries to create a mermaid princess characters of the present or the past according to his imagination.